I have become an Etsy Trade Addict!!
I have been trying to keep trading practical and only for things i really need and want, I have had some time today to go threw some pictures and heres some of the trades I have made.
(If you don't know what trading is, on Etsy you can trade with other Shops. I often trade my Toe' zies for Hats, etc)
This is a Trade I made with Mama n Me!
Michele has totally cute and very practical, quality made Crochet items that are officaially TOOO CUTE!! We absolutly love our White Flapper Beanie with Flower, I ordered it a little big for a Christmas present but have decided to keep it for Jennifer.
Here are some pictures we took of this totally cute hat
You can check out her shop here:
http://www.etsy.com/shop/mamanmeIm Addicted!!