Sunday, August 30, 2009

Baby Shower Gift!

I just made up this Diaper Cake for one of the girls i worked with,
Tomorrow were having a lil' Celebration in honor of her new
baby girl. Her fave colour is Blue:

45 Pampers Diapers
2 Burp Cloths
Baby Tag Blanket 14" by 14"
2 pair of size newborn Cozy Toe' zies
4 Hair Clippies
1 Lil' Luv'vie Bunny
1 Ow-ie Pack
1 Savvy Bib
Johnson's Baby Wash
The Letter E!

I really hope she likes it, it was soo much fun to make

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hip...Hip...Horary for Toe' zies

Hip.. Hip.. Horray for Toe' zies!

Im so in love with making these little Toe' zies, and just

picturing little babies, or big tots wearing them im in awe!

My two year old love's them always has, she has pairs for all her babies and for a while insisted on sleeping in them.

So to the point:

I was in Walmart tonight with my lil' Fru and we see this baby. Instead of my daughter's normal "Baby, Baby...Its a baby mom (Screeh)" it was "Mom, that boys wearing Toe' zies" I look down and hes wearing a pair of my Cozy Toe' zies, I was so happy i still havent stopped smiling. Thank you too all my loyal customers over the years wow. you make me feel good.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

New Blog Feature.... and give away too!

Have any baby showers coming up? Or a new baby on the way?
Maybe just like free stuff?

Grown Bean, Grow! is having a give away and you could
be the lucky winner of a Pair of Cozy Toe' zies you choose
size (6 Sizes) and a matching 12" by 12" Baby Tag..

Yey for give aways!Head on over to Grow Bean, Grow!
Blogspot to win and all you have to do is......

1) Visit Ferigefru's Etsy shop and find your favorite item.
2) Return to this post, tell us what your favorite item is in the comments, and also leave your email address or a way to be in contact with you.
3) That's it! She will draw a winner on Sunday, September 6 using the Random Number Generator.

Then Fergiefru will get in contact with the winner
and send your item out.

Enter to win here!! GrowBeanGrow
How Perfect is that?

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Check out our Etsy Site!!
Shipping is Free From Now till September 5th 2009!
FREE Shipping to Canada and the US
Convo for a shipping quote everywhere else!
Save..... Save..... Save....!
Dont see something you like? Were new to Etsy so not all items are up, heres a list of some things we make:
Cozy Toe' zies
Cozy Leg Warmers
Hair Clippies
Baby Tags all sizes
Little Luv'vies
Lounge Pants
Crayon Roll Em's
Diaper Cakes and soooo much more!

Dora Cozy Toe' zies on an 18 Month Old

Blog Feature and GIVE AWAY Check it out!

Stop by TicTacDough she did a absolutely amazing feature on She will be holding a give away and all you have to do is:

Now through August 28th-- Enter to WIN a Matching Pair of Cozy Toe' zies and Taggy blanket from FergieFru! You will get to pick the fabric and size!
Sounds good? Then here is what you need to do:
1. Follow TicTacDough Blog and Fergiefrubaby Blog !
2. Go to FergieFru's shop and pick out your favorite item-- come back here and comment and let us know which one you loooove! Make sure to leave an email address so we can contact you when you win!!
3. Would you like an extra entry? Go to Twitter and tweet this giveaway! "Awesome giveaway-- enter to win baby Toe'zies and a matching blanket! ." Make sure to let her know you tweeted it by commenting again and posting the link!

**The lucky winner will be randomly chosen on August 28th at 12 noon Pacific Time! GOOD LUCK!**

Thank soo much!!

Check it out:

Friday, August 14, 2009

Check us out on Etsy!

Check out our new shop on Etsy!

Yey for Fridays!!

Its Friday... well offically friday now. 3:30 and done work!! Perfect.
100 Hair Clippies down for the upcoming sale in Cambridge September 12th
Spending the evening with Jennifer's Bestest Friend Vanessa, and Nevaeh this weekend
while their mommy and daddy celebrate their anniversary :) Jennifer and I are soo excited!
And Jennifer had a supper great day at "Big School"
I Think this calls for a PIF Friday . check out to find two pifs in my web sp all you have to do is purchase the .20 Cent Listing and pay 2.75 for shipping How great is that
Wishing Everyone a wonderful weekend

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Welcome to Fergie Fru Baby!

Thank you for checking out Fergie Fru Baby, I have been hand crafting savvy Gifts, Gear and More for the past two years an absolutly love it!! I have just shut down my website of two years and started selling on ETSY. I hope you will check us out! New products added Daily
Thanks for Stopping by!